Local NGO


Consultancy, Research Jobs

Job Description

The evaluation is commissioned by CONTACT in Bulawayo. The organisation is
implementing a three-year project covering the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026 titled:
Strengthening counselling and training services of Contact Family Counselling Centre in
Bulawayo. A midterm evaluation is to be conducted to gauge the extent of achievement
of the objectives and with what successes, challenges, lessons learnt and the
recommendations to inform the future programme and projects.
The project objectives are: Objective No. 1: 8,400 clients (mostly women, adolescents,
children and men) facing emotional and/or social challenges are able to find viable
solutions to their problems and live more satisfying lives. Objective no. 2: 600 children,
adolescent girls and boys and young adults living with HIV are able to accept and better
cope with their HIV positive status. Objective no. 3: 90% of 860 people involved in
counselling work such as police, health personnel, teachers, church and NGO staff have
applied the skills acquired in systemic counselling in their work.

Duties and Responsibilities

The specific objectives of the mid-term project evaluation are:
1) To provide a detailed, constructive independent assessment of the effectiveness of
CONTACT counselling and training programmes.
2) 3) To assess the relevance and design of the project.
To determine the effectiveness of the implemented activities and assess strengths
and weaknesses in programme design and implementation.
4) To review outputs and outcomes of the project and the organization’s programmes.
5) To assess the efficiency of the project implementation strategy and processes,
focusing on the allocation and utilization of available resources for the project.
6) 7) To carry out an assessment of the project to measure its impact/effects.
To assess the position of CONTACT in the local community and its role and capacity
in handling social issues.
8) To find out whether there are appropriate measures/support systems in place that
support the CONTACT team in coping with the sometimes overwhelming character
of the work.
9) To assess the sustainability of the project and its interventions.
10) To document findings, suggestions and recommendations for good practices
identified and strategic lessons learned.
11) To make recommendations towards current and future CONTACT’s programmes.
The evaluation is to provide answers under each of the following categories of relevance,
coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.
The project affects different target groups with different interests and perspectives. Therefore,
the evaluation is to take adequate account of the perspectives of these groups. A set of varied
and adapted methods are to be adopted in this evaluation applying a gender-sensitive and
rights based approach and focusing on both quantitative and qualitative aspects.
The evaluation should include but not necessarily be limited to the following methods:
1. A start-up meeting with staff, to present inception report, plan the evaluation and get
initial information
2. Desk review of relevant documents (project documents, quarterly, semi-annual and
annual project reports, minutes of technical meetings, reports on project activities,
project review reports and previous evaluation)
1 CONTACT Project Mid-term Evaluation TOR | Project Number: 144-002-1097 ZG
3. Contextual analysis
4. Preparatory Planning Meetings
5. Individual and/or group interviews with clients, beneficiaries, partners and networking
6. 7. 8. Key informant interviews & in-depth interviews,
Meetings with staff members and management
Focus group discussions with staff and ex-clients
9. Debriefing workshop to present & discuss draft report findings, conclusions and

Qualifications and Experience

The report shall be between 25 and 40 pages in length (excluding annexes). The evaluation
report will follow a well-defined structure to be given to the consultant.
1. Briefing meeting to agree on the whole evaluation exercise – scope, timelines, clarify
open questions; agree on the logistics of the evaluation as well as on data collection tools.
2. Submission of detailed inception report and refined evaluation plan after the briefing
meeting with CONTACT. The inception report will contain information including: the
selection of key informants and respondents and the draft questionnaires to be used
during field exercise; the proposed sample sizes; the refined methodology to be applied;
the evaluation schedule; the roles and responsibilities of the evaluator/evaluation team
and that of CONTACT. 3. Draft evaluation report submitted to CONTACT and donor. 4.
Comprehensive high quality evaluation final report (maximum 40 pages) that conforms to
report specifications. The evaluation consultant is to submit a final report in an electronic
version (WORD and PDF) to Contact Family Counselling Centre and donor.
The evaluation will be conducted by an experienced and qualified M&E consultant from
Zimbabwe. The Evaluation Consultant must have the minimum following qualifications and
Should possess qualifications, skills and experience as follows:
▪ A Master’s Degree in a relevant field, e.g. Social Sciences, Development Studies or
any other relevant discipline
▪ A qualification in M&E
▪ Demonstrated experience in monitoring and evaluation, evaluation design,
implementation and data analysis and evaluation report writing.
▪ Excellent writing and communication skills in English and locally spoken languages
▪ Demonstrated knowledge and experience in evaluating/assessing counselling and
mental health related projects/programs.
▪ Extensive experience in service provision community development programs.
▪ Experience in the use of participatory research methods.
▪ A track record in conducting M&E consultancy assignments
▪ Experience in counselling as a profession
▪ Experience in NGO work
▪ Knowledge of the Zimbabwean situation (social, economic and political)
▪ Knowledge of the systemic counselling approach among others
▪ Knowledge of various levels of training in counselling

How to Apply

If you qualify, you can request the detailed TORs from CONTACT and respond. Assignment is to be completed within 2 months (April to May 2025)
Qualified consultants are invited to submit their application proposals not later than 28 March
2025, which should consist of:
1) a summary application letter justifying why you are the most suitable candidate for
the consultancy assignment
2 CONTACT Project Mid-term Evaluation TOR | Project Number: 144-002-1097 ZG
2) a detailed technical proposal demonstrating understanding of the TOR and
responding to all key components;
3) 4) a suggested methodology to be applied;
a proposed time schedule/ Plan of work;
5) CV of the Consultant and team members. CVs of team leader and other team
members are to have clearly defined roles & responsibilities matching required
Evaluation TORs qualifications, skills and experience.
6) Provide 3 traceable written reference letters on similar evaluation assignments
7) already conducted from clients stating that you conducted evaluations for them.
Provide detailed all-inclusive budget for conducting the consultancy work relevant
to proposal and work plan.
Submit your proposal by email with subject Midterm Evaluation Consultancy to
office@contactfcc.co.zw and copy finance@contactfcc.co.zw and contact@contactfcc.co.zw