Jointed Hands Welfare Organization (JHWO)

Terms of Reference for Tuberculosis Key & Vulnerable Population Size Estimation & TB Stigma Assessment Consultant

Consultancy, Research Jobs

Job Description

About Jointed Hands Welfare Organisation (JHWO)

Jointed Hands Welfare Organization (JHWO) is a local NGO (PVO 23/2013) that envisions a harm and disease-free society. JHWO implements multiple interventions across the country under the five strategic pillars: health, social development, resilient strengthening, disaster risk management, strategic information, and knowledge management. Under the health pillar, JHWO hosts the Stop TB Partnership Zimbabwe, which is a country-level platform with a mandate of coordinating country-level efforts to end TB. Working with the MoHCC National TB program (NTP) as part of the national TB response JHWO seeks the services of a consultant to facilitate a national TB Key and Vulnerable Population Size estimation exercise and TB Stigma Assessment in Zimbabwe.

1. To facilitate the implementation of TB stigma assessment in Zimbabwe.
2. To facilitate the implementation of a TB Size Estimation exercise in Zimbabwe

Overall objective of the stigma assessment
To assess the extent to which and how TB stigma acts as a barrier to both accessing and providing services and to support the development of recommendations to address stigma so that quality TB services are available, accessible, and acceptable to all, with special considerations given to the needs of key, vulnerable and underserved populations.

Specific objectives of the Stigma assessment
1. To determine the level and dimensions of anticipated stigma, self-stigma, enacted stigma (stigma
directly experienced), and observed stigma among people diagnosed with TB:
a. To determine how and the extent to which self-stigma manifests among people diagnosed with TB.
b. To determine the settings and stages of care in which TB stigma is being experienced and observed by people diagnosed with TB.
2. To determine the level and dimensions of secondary TB stigma, stigma directly experienced, and
stigma observed by family members / primary carers of people diagnosed with TB:
a. To determine how and the extent to which secondary stigma manifests among family members
/ Primary carers of people diagnosed with TB.
b. To determine the settings and stages of care in which secondary TB stigma is being experienced
and observed by family members / primary carers of people diagnosed with TB.
3. To determine the level of perceived TB stigma against people diagnosed with TB in communities and the stigma observed by the community:
a. To determine how and the extent to which stigma against people diagnosed with TB takes place in communities.
b. To determine the settings and stages of care in which TB stigma against people diagnosed with TB is being observed by community members.
4. To determine the level and dimensions of perceived TB stigma against people diagnosed with TB in health care settings and stigma against health care workers.
a. To determine how and the extent to which perceived stigma against people diagnosed with TB manifests in healthcare facilities.
b. To determine the settings in which TB healthcare workers experience TB stigma.
c. To determine the settings in which TB stigma against health care workers is observed by other
TB health care workers.
5. To determine the extent to which structural stigma (any existing laws/policies, the enforcement of those laws/policies, and the corresponding media coverage) could harm or protect people diagnosed with TB.
6. To support the development of recommendations to address TB stigma to reduce people’

Overall Objective of the TB Key Population Size Estimation
1. Identify and analyze key populations affected by tuberculosis (TB) and their respective size estimations.

Duties and Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Consultant
The Consultant is expected to:
1. TB Stigma Assessment
• Conduct the stigma desk review that will inform the development of the TB Stigma Assessment Protocol acknowledging and integrating findings from the latest HIV Stigma Index.
• Develop the TB Stigma Assessment Protocol for ethics review in consultation with NTP and the core group
• Develop training materials for the TB Stigma research assistants/data collectors.
• Train the TB Stigma research assistants/data collectors.
• Oversee the data collection process.
• Facilitate a focus group discussion (FGD) to score the extent to which any existing laws/policies, the enforcement of those laws/policies, and the corresponding media coverage could harm or protect people with or who have had TB.
• Draft law/policy recommendations based on the FGD findings
• Support planning the validation meeting and Facilitate discussions at the validation meeting.
2. Tb KVP assessment:
• Conduct a comprehensive desk review of TB KVP to synthesize available data and to inform and directly contribute to the size estimation. The consultant should produce a comprehensive literature review structured around the risks and vulnerabilities of each TB KVP.
• Conduct additional TB KVP estimate processes if needed
• Facilitate the validation of findings exercise
• Produce a draft report and share it with the core group
• Incorporate feedback and finalize the report


1. TB stigma assessment protocol
2. Training materials for use in training research assistants
3. TB stigma assessment report (full report and PowerPoint slides for dissemination meetings)
4. KVP Size estimation report

Contract Duration
• 20 days of engagement

Qualifications and Experience

Qualifications and experience of the consultant

• Advanced university degree in social science, public health, demography, epidemiology, biostatistics/ research disciplines
• An expert with experience in conducting population size estimations and familiarity with the tools, methods, and processes.
• Demonstrated expertise in stigma measurement methodologies, as well as their implementation, analysis, and publication
• A qualitative and quantitative researcher with experience in statistical sampling and analysis demonstrated expertise in quantitative survey methodologies, including the creation of population frames and drawing random samples from population frames, calculating sample sizes, sampling weights for analysis, the power of statistical tests, from sample size and performing univariate/ multivariate statistical analysis
• Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of TB and TB programmatic responses
• Demonstrated experience in TB stigma-related programming
• Familiarity with the country’s context including ethics review process and the documentation needed.
• Demonstrated experience in analysis and report writing, as well as policy advocacy
• Ability to research, analyse and present complex information.
• Excellent planning and facilitation skills
• Available immediately

How to Apply

Reporting structure for the consultant
The consultant will be accountable to the Core Group and will report to JHWO in charge of planning and implementing the assessment under the strategic guidance of the National TB program.
Data Ownership
Data that will be collected during the assignment belongs to MoHCC and JHWO and the sharing of the data is to be done after obtaining formal permission.
To apply
Interested and qualified Consultants should submit:
Cover Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability containing, a CV, indicating all past experiences from similar projects, as well as contact details of the candidate and three professional referees, and a financial proposal to by 30 August 2024.