Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI)

Consultancy: Provision of Visual illustration designs and editing of a 105 pge Manual

Consultancy, Research Jobs

Job Description

About ZHI
Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) is a local Zimbabwean non-profit human development organization registered as a Trust under the Zimbabwe Deeds Registries Act (Chapter 20:05). Its mission is to develop and deliver innovative and sustainable high-impact, integrated health interventions to the communities we serve, while working with and strengthening existing institutions. ZHI is currently implementing the Re-Ignite Innovate Sustain and Empower (RISE) program which is a five-year (October 2021 – September 2026) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded program. The RISE Program is one of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funded programs through USAID that aims to disrupt the main drivers of HIV risk for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Zimbabwe using a proven approach called Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe women (DREAMS).

The DREAMS-RISE program’s contribution to health outcome is delivered through customized interventions that address multiple intricate challenges affecting AGYW aged 10-24 years to include ABYM. The DREAMS-RISE Program is currently seeking a Consultancy to provide visual illustration design and editing for the Positive Male Engagement Model Manual for the DREAMS-RISE program. The proposed model is aimed at strengthening the capacity of community development agents and community leaders to engage in dialogues to deliver behavioral change messaging. The approach is targeting men and boys to bolster actions and commitments that demystify negative masculinity and promote positive behaviour change. This consultancy will provide the expected deliverable within the stipulated and agreed timeframe.

Scope of Work
The overall goal of the consultancy to provide quality graphic design services, editing and design for a 105-page DREAMS-RISE Positive Male Engagement Model Manual based on the content and guidance provided by ZHI. The manual document requires a branded cover page that will meet the branding and marking plan of the program as well as visual illustrations that will match the contextual landscape regarding HIV & sexual prevention and transformative gender approaches. The consultancy service will also include layout design to enhance messaging and visuals for the intended audience.

Target Audience
The manual will be used as reference tool for program staff, facilitators, and community leaders.

Duration of the Assignment
The consultant (s) is expected to complete the work within 15 days of the signing of the contract

Evaluation and Selection Criteria
Service Providers/firms/organizations are required to have expertise and a minimum of 5 years of experience in the following:
 Proven experience in compelling portfolio that showcases aesthetic awareness, high calibre.
 Drawing skills, and command of multiple illustration styles an asset.
 Ability to collaborate with external partners and external subject-based experts.
 Proven record in meeting tight deadlines.
 Experience in documentation of similar development work is strongly required.
 Verifiable sample of previously developed visual illustration designs.
Selection will be based on “Best Value.” Applications will first be evaluated and scored from a technical standpoint. Applications that are technically acceptable shall then be evaluated in terms of cost. The award shall be issued to the offeror with the highest combined technical and cost score.

Criteria Score
Capacity statement and relevant experience of not less than 5 years (Company Profile or individual Detailed CV) that demonstrates the technical expertise and qualifications to handle the assignment. 10%
Technical proposal (2-pager written proposal) – with clear description of the proposed methodology and timeline in addressing the requirements of the TOR. Include names of any subcontractors that you (or the organization) will use to provide the services requested and detail the work that each proposed subcontractor will perform as well as their CVs and biographical data set for each person.
- Two (2) samples of similar work done and links if there are any which relates to the previous work and
- Three (3) recent organizations where similar services of the consultant have been utilized including contact details and title of the assignment(s). 30%
Financial Proposal (Budget)
 Please include a breakdown of daily rate(s), and all related costs and applicable taxes. Proof of previous income to justify the rate will only be requested from the Service Provider receiving the contract
 Any rate(s)/costs not included in your proposal will not be accepted after the selection process.
 Indicate payment terms 20%

Payment conditions.
Payments shall be made directly to the vendors’ Nostro bank accounts, subject to applicable taxes, after approval by Executive Director or his/her designate.

Duties and Responsibilities

Expected Deliverables:
The consultant(s) is expected to provide visual illustrations designs and editing that will meet the needs of the DREAMS-RISE program to achieve the above-mentioned purpose. The expected deliverables will include.
 Work within branding and marking guidelines to create layouts design and generate soft visuals work and hand drawn sketches for the 105-page manual
 Design the required visual in an attractive, engaging and empowering way, making sure it supports the conveyance of the textual content targeting various audiences.
 Ensure the visuals comply with potential reader friendly formats.
 Work closely with the Senior Technical Officer -GESI for the assignment.
 Develop the illustration and graphic designs in a creative manner for 12 sessions, with the illustrations for each session relevant to content as well as the cover page.
 Submit final layout/sketches for adoption in the manual
 Submit a proofread, designed and edited e-version of the 105page Positive Male Engagement Model Manual ready for print.

Qualifications and Experience

6. Qualifications and Experience
The Service Provider should have at minimum a degree in fine arts or a related area and or significant equivalent experience. In addition, the Service Provider should possess the following:
 5- 7 years of experience in graphic designing, illustration designing, and documentation of similar development work is strongly required.
 Verifiable sample of previously developed visual illustration designs.
 Experience in conceptualizing layouts of the designing, computer generated visuals and hand drawn sketches.
 Composed and design the training material, manuals, and handbooks.
 Experience using graphic designing tools like Coral Draw, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premier.
 A compelling portfolio that showcases aesthetic awareness, high calibre drawing skills, and command of multiple illustration styles.
 A high level of proficiency using illustration tools like Illustrator, Photoshop, Procreate, and Affinity Designer.

Additional requirements for Company Applications include:

 Certificate of incorporation
 VAT and Tax Clearnce Certificate

How to Apply

Proposal Submission Requirements:
Qualified individuals/organizations with the experience, skills and expertise in the above assignment should submit their bids to ZHI on procurement@zhi.org.zw no later than 18 July 2023, 1700hrs CAT. Please indicate the title of this consultancy in the subject line, “Consultancy for visual illustration design and editing of the manual titled ‘Positive Male Engagement Model”

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