1. 2. Background Misinformation and disinformation on climate change and the environment continue
to proliferate across various media platforms in Africa, influencing public perception, policy
decisions, and action. This has had a detrimental effect on climate change awareness, particularly
among Indigenous Peoples and organizations advocating for climate action. It is therefore crucial
to have a dedicated expert who can systematically identify, verify, and debunk climate-related
myths to empower the public with accurate, evidence-based information.
Objective The objective of this consultancy is to deploy a climate information and disinformation
expert to undertake fact-checking on climate change misinformation on the African continent.
The expert will produce one comprehensive Climate Disinformation Report, detailing the findings
of their fact-checking efforts and the implications of disinformation for Indigenous Peoples and
organizations working to raise awareness and drive action around the climate crisis.
3. Scope of Work
• Fact-checking Process: The expert will identify, verify, and debunk misinformation and
disinformation surrounding the climate crisis. The expert will focus on common myths, misleading
claims, and false narratives that hinder understanding and action on climate change.
• Research Project: Conduct research on the extent of mis- and disinformation about climate
change and the environment, with a particular focus on its impact on Indigenous Peoples,
communities, and organizations dedicated to climate change awareness and advocacy.
• Data Compilation: The expert will collect data and evidence from a range of credible scientific
sources, expert opinions, and case studies to ensure the information provided is accurate,
balanced, and fact-based.
• Climate Disinformation Report: Based on the findings of the fact-checking efforts, the expert
will compile one key report. This report should:
o Identify and analyze the most prevalent myths and disinformation on climate change.
o Provide detailed evidence that debunks these myths.
o Highlight the impact of such disinformation on Indigenous communities and organizations
fighting for climate change awareness.
o Include recommendations for counteracting climate disinformation and raising
awareness on the facts of the climate crisis.
4. Deliverables
• One Key Report: A final Climate Disinformation Report to be submitted within one month of
initiating the project. This report will include the results of fact-checking, an analysis of the impact
of disinformation, and actionable recommendations.
• Documentation of Misinformation Examples: A list or database of common climate-related
myths and disinformation identified during the fact-checking process.
• Recommendations for Future Research: The report should also include suggestions for further
investigations into the broader effects of disinformation and ways to support Indigenous-led
climate change initiatives.
5. Methodology The expert will use the following approach:
• Data Collection: Gathering climate-related misinformation from media outlets, social media
platforms, blogs, and other relevant sources.
• Verification: Cross-referencing claims with credible scientific sources, peer-reviewed articles, and
climate experts.
• Analysis: Evaluating the impact of the disinformation on various communities, particularly
Indigenous Peoples, and understanding how this information hinders or redirects climate action.
• Consultations: Engage with Indigenous communities and organizations, where possible, to
understand the impact of climate disinformation on their advocacy and resilience.
6. Expertise and Qualifications The consultant should have:
• Proven experience in climate science, climate change communication, or environmental
• Expertise in the identification and debunking of climate-related misinformation and
• Familiarity with the challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples in relation to climate change and the
spread of disinformation.
• Strong research and analytical skills, including the ability to produce reports with actionable
• Experience in communicating complex climate-related issues to diverse audiences in clear and
accessible language.
• Familiarity with fact-checking tools, platforms, and methodologies.
7. Duration The duration of this consultancy is one month, starting from the date of contract signing, with
the final report to be submitted no later than one month thereafter.
8. Reporting Line The consultant will report directly to the Project Lead and provide regular updates on
9. Application Process Interested candidates should submit:
• CV and relevant qualifications.
• Samples of previous fact-checking reports or research related to climate change.
• Contact details of at least two references.
• A Technical and Financial proposal.
The technical proposal will be evaluated on:
• Approach to the assignment that demonstrates understanding of the requirements outlined in
the ToR.
• Feasible and technically sound methodology aligned with the assignment’s overall purpose.
• Realistic work plan with specific deliverables.
The financial proposal should include:
A detailed price schedule with consultancy rates. All fees must be quoted in USD.
10. Payment Terms
The payment schedule will be outlined in the contract upon selection.
11. Confidentiality The consultant shall maintain confidentiality and not disclose any information or data
gathered during the course of the consultancy to any third party, unless authorized by the contracting
12. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated based on the following:
• Relevant experience and qualifications of the consultant.
• Proposed approach to identifying and analyzing climate change misinformation.
• Ability to produce a clear and comprehensive report.
• Understanding of the challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples in climate advocacy.
Please send all required documents to recruittoday2024@gmail.com with the subject line: ‘Climate
Disinformation Report Writer’ by Friday 14 March, 2025. All proposals should be addressed to the 'Admin