Zimbabwe School of Mines ~~ 0

Request for Quotations [RFQ ZSM33/25 - RFQ ZSM58/25]


Job Description

Zimbabwe School of Mines is soliciting for bids from reputable companies, registered with Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe to satisfy the following procurement requirements:

Duties and Responsibilities

ZSM33/25 Plastic Pipette dropper 76mm, straight tip 50 10/02/2025

Glass pipette droppers 91mm, straight tip 50
Cleaning brushes for bottles, test tubes, lag glass ware-brush head with 55m x 95mm long, overall length 26cm and chemical resistant 40

ZSM34/25 50kgs furnace dressing(magnesite) 2 10/02/2025
Aluminized heat resistant gloves-elbow size resist 1200 3
Heat resistant face shields 3

ZSM35/25 Portable ph metre-Hanna type, five calibration points 30 10/02/2025
PH buffer 7, concentration 500ml 10
PH Buffer 10-read out as ppm 500ml 10
PH Buffer 4-Ppb, ugl, mol/l 500ml 10
Sibx-chemical pure 10
Acetone AR 3Litres
Petroleum ether 5litres

ZSM36/25 Rechargeable LED torch -en8495LA 2 10/02/2025

ZSM37/25 Dibond door sign-0.1m x 0.4m 8 10/02/2025
Forex on wall 0.3 x0.6m 2
Metal sign fence 0.1m x 0.15m 1
Abs on wall 0.4m x 0.3m, A4 size 1
Abs on wall, A4 1
Abs on wall, A5 26
Fire extinguisher sign 0.6m x 0.3m, A5 8
Laboratory rule sign ,0.6m x 0.3m 4
Fire assay rule sign 0.6m x0.3m 3
Housekeeping rules ,0.6m x 0.3m 2
Reception sign 0.3m x 0.7m 10
Warning sign 0.3m x 0.2m 1

ZSM38/25 Repairing of basketball hoop board and replacement of the ring net 1 10/02/2025

ZSM39/25 2.5mm 3 core flexible cable 50m 10/02/2025
3 phase meter boxes 2
40x40x3 angle iron 6m length 1
Pressure gauge standard 1
Timer control switch standard 1
Cement bags 2
1 hp Booster pump with 50mm reducers 1
Pad locks 50mm size durable ones 3
Mortice locksets 2

ZSM40/25 Mineral water 500ml 1000 10/02/2025
Tea leaves 200g Rooibos 250
Powdered milk 500g 250
Brown sugar 2kg 250

ZSM41/25 Jacket and trousers 4 10/02/2025
Long sleeve shirts 8
Standard ties 8
Shoes 4

ZSM42/25 Tracksuits with ZSM colours 19 10/02/2025
t-shirts branded with ZSM logo 19
v. neck t shirts branded with ZSM logo 19
Golf t-shirts branded with ZSM logo 19
Tackie’s originals 19
Caps with ZSM colours and logo 19
Samples required along with quote

ZSM43/25 Formal branded shirts 15 10/02/2025
Branded shirts with reflectors 15
Ladies trousers 4
Chino trousers 22
Short sleeve -dresses branded 4
Branded golf t-shirts 50
Samples required along with quote

ZSM44/25 Consultancy services for board pack preparation for 15 people 1 10/02/2025

ZSM45/25 Hiring of tennis court for sports 1 10/02/2025

ZSM46/25 ABT 5359 Repairs
Repairing of front suspension 1 10/02/2025
Double contact bulbs 2
501 bulbs 3
Diff seal leaking 1
Brake pads 2
Half shaft replacement 2
5litres gear box oil

ZSM47/25 iPhone 15 pro max 1 10/02/2025
Find attached specs

ZSM48/25 Printing of ZSM A5 202-2026 prospectus -Full colour, back to bac cover, gloss inserts back-to-back,12 pages A4, saddle stitching binding 200 10/02/2025

Printing of ZSM A5 flyers-Full colour, back-to-back on glossy paper 4000

ZSM49/25 ZSM branded gazebo with aluminium water-resistant frame with all canvas accessories 1 10/02/2025

ZSM50/25 Supply and fit executive toilet set 4 10/02/2025
Supply and fit of urinary bowls with accessories, remove the existing ones first 4
Site visit on the 7th of February at 1000hrs at the school

ZSM51/25 AEZ 1772 Asia star 10/02/2025
Bus batteries 12v 195AH CCA 1100AEN 6-QW-195 2

ZSM52/25 Supply and fit exhaust pipes to admin and computer lab generators 3 10/02/2025
Site visit 7 Feb 2025 at 1000hrs

ZSM53/25 Window pegs standard 40 10/02/2025
Window slides 50
Window handles, left side 30
Window handle, right side 30
Window pans clear 93 x48 ,4mm thick 7
Window panes clear 95,5 x 110,4mm thick 2
Window pane clear 93x55,4mm thick 1
Glass putty /kg 20
Thinners 5litres
Glass cutter standard 1

ZSM54/25 Supply and install air conditioner in the reading room area. 2 10/02/2025
24 000BTU WHIR TRIX DC Invertor split type
Site visit 7Feb 2025 at 1000hrs

ZSM55/25 Simmer switches industrial 8 10/02/2025
Insulation tape 4
Fig of eight elements 3kw 2
2kw monarch elements (geyser elements) 7

ZSM56/25 Toogle switch industrial standard 2 10/02/2025
15A MCB 12
2kw cowrod elements 7
Oven control switch 6
3kw 220 contactor 6
2.5/4m asbestos wire 30m
2.5/4m x 8mm lugs 25

ZSM57/25 Thermal flask-1.6L Insulated stainless steel for keeping boiling water warm 2 10/02/2025
Thermal flask 3L Insulated stainless steel for keeping boiling water warm 3

ZSM58/25 9 panel single directional sign entrance-1.8m x 1.5m 1 10/02/2025
4 panel single sided directional sign teaching blocks and labs 0.8m x 1.5m 1
2 panel single sided directional sign admin and hostel0.6m x 1.5m 1
Road sign refurbishment 1
Site visit 7 Feb 2025 at 1000hrs

Qualifications and Experience

Bidders should satisfy the following requirements:
1. Attach copy of tax clearance.
2. Attach requisite PRAZ documents (Relevant category)
3. Attach certificate of Incorporation
4. Quote in both currencies, ZWL & USD
5. Delivery period is 28 working days.
6. Payment methods should be indicated
7. Bid validity
8. Quotations valid for 30 days
9. Quotations must be vat inclusive.

NB: Failure to submit the above requirement will lead to disqualification

How to Apply

Quotations should be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly indicating the Procurement Reference number. All quotations are to be placed in the tender box situated at ZSM administration block or sent through our PMU email address: pmu@zsm.co.zw, on or before the closing date indicated above at 16.30pm sharp.

Click to Apply