CeSHHAR Zimbabwe

Nurse Counsellorx1, Chirundu

Ngo & Social Services Jobs

Job Description

CeSHHAR Zimbabwe is an organisation that specialises in population health research and programming, including on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. CeSHHAR has an extensive national, regional, and international academic and community partnership network. CeSHHAR Zimbabwe is implementing the National Sex Work Programme in collaboration with MoHCC and National AIDS Council aimed at reducing HIV acquisition and transmission among Key Populations (KPs) in their diversity (Female, male and Transgender sex workers, and Adolescent Girls and Young Woman (AGYW). Low consistent condom use, risk of drug and substance use and increasing transactional sex are some of the common reasons that put key populations at high risk of acquiring STIs and HIV infection. Reaching these populations and increasing awareness and access to STI & HIV prevention, testing and treatment services are fundamental to reducing transmission of STI and HIV infections CeSHHAR has a diverse range of funders which include the Wellcome Trust, the Gates Foundation, UK Medical Research Council, Templeton World Charity Foundation, Global Fund for AIDS TB and Malaria, UNICEF and UNFPA. We partner very closely with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (UK). CeSHHAR is implementing a National Key Population programme on behalf of National AIDS Council and Ministry of Health and Child Care in all 10 provinces in Zimbabwe.Supporting the SW programme, the nurse counsellor will be offering clinical and counselling services at CeSHHAR static sites and in the communities during outreach activities at preidentified hotspots that are frequented by KPs in their diversity

Duties and Responsibilities

• Ensuring programme participants receive accurate, timely, high quality, efficient and effective clinical services.
• Safeguarding the rights and safety of programme participants by ensuring that staff are non-judgemental, non-stigmatizing or discriminating.
• Perform Rapid HIV testing in accordance with national algorithm giving pre and post-test and risk reduction counselling.
• Uphold issues of confidentiality, ethics, and CeSHHAR code of conduct all the time.
• Offer appropriate status neutral counselling, and refer KPs for HIV combination prevention, treatment and care as well as follow them up.
• Screen KPs who test HIV negative for PrEP eligibility, provide counselling and offer PrEP, condom and lubricants as part of combination prevention.
• Follow up KPs on PrEP for refills using schedules provided by supervising static site.
• Conduct Social Network Tracking and Index Contact Tracing among the Key Population’s social networks, sexual partners, and biological children of female sex workers.
• Initiate or link for ART initiation to public health institutions all KPs testing positive on the same day or within at least 7 days.
• Scheduling of mobile clinic visit and carrying out any other duties as assigned by the Program Coordinator or Site Manager.
• Track all KPs on ART or PrEP who interrupt treatment and document in the Defaulter tracking and PrEP registers.
• Complete all source documents, i.e., CeSHHAR and MoHCC M&E tools, (Registers, REDCAPP, STI forms, OI booklets) on real time.
• Conduct STI screening and provide STI treatment to all KPs diagnosed with STIs and other Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services according to National Guidelines.
• Perform other tests like Syphilis, Recency and pregnancy testing, cervical cancer screening, and offer VIAC screening.
• Offer short- and long-term family planning methods and refer KPs requiring other Long- Acting Contraceptive methods not offered at site.
• Perform Viral Load monitoring and collect blood samples for all eligible KPs.
• Compile daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports according to guidelines, e.g., MRFs, NAFs, PrEP (Oral, Vaginal, Injection) updates, Viral Load monitoring updates.
• Oversight of asset inventory, stock control of drugs and commodities and maintenance of clinic equipment.
• Conduct drug physical count and ordering of drugs through ZAPs or from main site.

Qualifications and Experience

Diploma/BSC in general Nursing. A registered general nurse with valid practicing, forensic, ART Training and Rapid HIV Testing certificates. Certificate / Diploma in Counselling is an added advantage.
At least 3 years clinical experience in HIV programming in NGO or Civil Society Organisation, prevention, treatment and care for key populations. Demonstrated experience in conducting HIV Index Case Tracking and Social Network testing strategies. Expected to work outside of normal office hours (night and weekend outreaches) as per work schedule. Strong interpersonal skills, especially in the areas of managing clients. Effective verbal and written communications; Good knowledge on use of Microsoft word, excel and power point; Good interpersonal communication skills and having high respect for confidentiality; Experience in providing family planning services such as Jadelle insertion. Expected to work outside of normal office hours as required.

How to Apply

Step 1: Click The Apply Button Below
Step 2: If you are interested in the above position, please email your CV and application cover letter addressed to Human Resources and send to vacancies@ceshhar.co.zw. Indicate the position and duty station you are applying for in the subject line. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

CeSHHAR Zimbabwe is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply.

The successful candidate will undergo relevant background checks and will be required to commit in writing to comply with the CeSHHAR Zimbabwe safeguarding guidelines.

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