Community Technology Development Organisation (CTDO) in collaboration with NIRAS A/S and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), with funding support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is implementing the Markets and Seeds Access Project (MASAP) in 10 wards, 5 in each of Mudzi and Tsholotsho districts. The overall goal of the program is to improve resilience in food security of smallholder households (especially women and youth) by increasing adoption and utilization of improved open and self-pollinated varieties of small grains (sorghum and pearl millet) and legumes (cowpeas and groundnuts) through strengthening the seed and commodity value chains and the market system in Zimbabwe. The project aims to improve resilience in smallholder households' food security, particularly for women and young people. The long-term goal of MASAP is to establish a thriving, locally driven seed and commodity market system that will provide smallholder farmers with opportunities for income and resilience, particularly women and young people, supported by strong institutions, national and regional policies, and creative private sector actors.
CTDO seeks to engage a consultant to conduct soil profile analysis in 5 wards on Mudzi and 5 wards of Tsholotsho districts of Zimbabwe. The soil profile analysis consultancy services involve subsurface soil exploration and testing to determine the soil's nutritive and mineral composition. The soil profiling are for agricultural purposes. The purpose of making a soil survey is to obtain a representative image of the various types of soils and of the soil horizons present in the targeted wards.
1. Obtain soil samples and necessary data and information about targeted wards.
2. Conduct soil profiles at a depth of between 100 to 150 centimetres
3. Prepare a report (hereinafter referred to as “the project completion report”) with recommendations for the test field sites.
The results of the studies will be presented and discussed with the project team
The consultant will be recruited for 30 working days. The consultant will work closely with the project team and s/he will be expected to travel to collect baseline data in the targeted districts and wards. The Consultant shall submit a completion report to the project manager.
The key deliverables of this assignment are;
• A detailed methodology and work plan.
• The Consultant shall submit a result report, including the recommendations from the Soil Analysis.
• The Consultant shall discuss the analysis results with the project team through a summarised presentation.
• The consultant shall give recommendations on soil health and nutrition management.
a) Qualification in agronomy, soil science, geology, and other closely related fields.
b) Experience in soil survey, much of which preferably has been with soils in tropical regions.
c) An understanding of soil development processes and of the influence of relief, geology, climate, vegetation and soil organisms on soil development.
d) Good knowledge of soil and crop nutrition, soil hydrology, and the influence of soil on plants and animal ecology may be required in particular circumstances.
e) A good understanding of forest soils, site classification, and site-species selection.
I. Excellent analytical, report writing and communication skills.
II. Excellent command of the local language, customs and traditions of the project area.
III. Excellent organisational skills.
IV. Ability to prepare publications, reports, and presentations.
V. Ability to manage and work with a multidisciplinary and multicultural team.
The consultant should submit the following documents:
1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability;
2. Personal CV (and of other team members if any), indicating all experience in similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references
3. Cover letter (maximum of 1 page).
4. Technical and Financial proposal indicating an all-inclusive Lumpsum contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs.
Please send application to and copy