ZNNP+ - Zimbabwe National Network of PLHIV

Consultancy: Endline Evaluation: Community Systems Strengthening to Find, Link and Retain Children and Young Adolescents Living with HIV in Zimbabwe.

Consultancy, Research Jobs

Job Description

Deadline- 13 September 2024
About ZNNP+ and the ViiV Positive Action project
ZNNP+ is an umbrella body that represents the interests of people living with HIV in Zimbabwe
in their diversity. The organization is represented in support groups and community-based
organizations at all provincial, district and ward levels of Zimbabwe. ZNNP+’s mission is “An environment where people live positively.”
Funded by ViiV Positive Action, over the past 3 years ZNNP+ has been implementing a
community systems strengthening project to Find, Link and Retain Children and Young
Adolescents Living with HIV in Zimbabwe into care (Project - FLR) in 4 districts namely
Marondera, Chikomba, Kwekwe and Shurugwi in Zimbabwe. The Project has been improving access to quality HIV treatment for pregnant and lactating women and their children through creating demand for PMTCT services, monitoring and advocacy for quality improvement.
Project FLR, being a community system` strengthening program to find, link and retain children and young adolescents living with HIV has deployed mentor mothers and young Community HIV/AIDS Supporting Agents [(y)CHASAs] in poorly performing facilities offering OI/ART as well as PMTCT services to provide referrals, improve retention in care and follow up on those
interrupted in treatment (IIT).
Duration: 40days (23 Sept - 1 November 2024)
Expected start date:23 Sept. 2024

Duties and Responsibilities

Purpose of the evaluation:
The purpose of the endline evaluation will to assess of the performance of the ViiV Find Link and Retain (FLR) project to determine the value of results achieved by the project to date against the baseline set targets and to understand the extent to which the project is adhering to project design (Theory of Change) and contributing to increasing the number of children linked and retained in care.The evaluation should include a comprehensive assessment of Find
,Link and Retain , enabling recipients of care and stakeholders to give feedback on what
project areas are effective, equitable, efficient, and economic.
Geographic coverage and target groups
The project targeted 661, 0-14 years who are not in care in Midlands and 1767 in Mashonaland
East (and to give a total of 2428 in the 3 yrs. This is 95% of the combined 2556 children not in care in Kwekwe ,Shurugwi ,Chikomba and Marondera districts.

Qualifications and Experience

Qualifications and Experience
The consultant must have a varied mix of skills and competences, and they must have
undertaken similar work in Zimbabwe in the last five years. The following qualifications are mandatory.
• Postgraduate degree in social sciences, public health, monitoring and evaluation or
• Proven experience in carrying out health development research, including evaluations
• Minimum of five years of experience in coordinating and administering evaluations/
baseline/end line studies, preferably for international non-governmental organizations or multilateral agencies
• Demonstrated experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
• Experience with working with local communities in relevant local languages. (Fluency in
English, isiNdebele and chiShona).
• Ability to produce high quality work within scheduled timeframes.
• Proficiency in statistics.

How to Apply

How to Apply
Interested qualified consultants should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) highlighting their
experience and qualifications or profile of the consulting firm (if applicable). Full Terms of Reference (TORs) for the assignment will be shared with the shortlisted candidates.
The Expression of Interest, with all relevant attachments should be submitted to jobs@znnp.org
not later than 13 September 2024.